Many people nowadays work as though they can live forever, planning things so long term, like what, year 2070??
"But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?'" Luke 12:20
I am once again reminded of the fragility of life. Last week I've been working late nights for several nights in a row. I was so tired that, there was one day on the way home as I was walking by the road my body felt so weak it could just collapse anywhere. I almost immediately imagined a car knocking me down. Boom! There goes Angeline. One moment working so hard on a project, the next moment gone. I even imagined that my colleagues had to work doubly hard due to my demise that they couldn't even attend my funeral.
Sigh. Thank God for life as the way He meant it to be.
Morbid, but hey, think about it man. No one lives forever.