
Friday, January 13, 2006

:: JB and the whole week ::

woohoo.. my first time going into msia without parents or teachers (during my sec 3 geography trip)! waited really really patiently for this chance leh.. gotta thank the pple involved like ian, he always go back to msia on sat so i can only go on sat if i want his guide and protection into the foreign land. thank hx n carl (macam one entity already) for company, i already pulled them in for this trip long ago but always v scared kena pang seh last min. so wanna thank wendy for accompanying me also.. without her i might be shopping alone. wanna thank the rest of my IENTP grp members for continuing to do their work tho i'm on a shopping trip.. a little disappointed that they keep pushing things till the last minute but seems like we're gonna make it after all. wanna thank the hairdresser for not being at home or else i would be late meeting wendy n ian at woodlands.

ah anyway. met them at 10.30.. supposed to be 10am.. i was 10 min late myself, but i didn't expect them to be later. went to woodlands checkpoint nearby the shopping centre to change money. rates S$100 = RM 262.20. i changed S$50, wendy also. my mom gave me extra RM 70+ while i had RM 10+ leftover from my last trip. received a sms from my dear huixiang abt her taking her time because we r late. i was furious man. that's really bad attitude. but i must control my temper la. i'm having PMS so naturally anything can make me fly into a rage. waited n waited for her n carl at the checkpoint, so ian, wendy n i went thru the customs first. saw baboon!! n her 4F friends.. haha.. when the couple finally arrived, we took a bus into msia.

queued at the msia customs for 40min, as recorded by ian.. walked over to City Square. had teh at an indian foodstore while they had briyani. ooh i hate briyani. noticed a cute guy from the Samsung booth.. ; ) after that proceeded to shop at level 5. saw a lot of funky punky shops.. one shop is vvvv cool!! got revolving display for clothes. must be expensive man. the designs r nice..

went into their Cyberzone, so-called annex of the shopping centre.. first thing i bought was magazines!!! hehe.. spent RM 11.50. walked around.. like a few clothes but decided to come back later. we decided to split up cuz we wait for each other v waste time. i pulled wendy n ian to Levi's.. tried on a few pairs n finally bought one Red Tab jeans for RM 199! hohoho~~ a lot of pple in the shop, dunno y.. v cheap meh? singapore's Levi's like v high class, only rich pple go in one, so the shop always v empty. then ian the good boy went home.. i changed with him S$10 so tt i can return wendy money n spend a bit more.

even though JB got S&K n ebase, they dun have the latest versions. even their macdonald's got Prosperity burger, what we had LAST YEAR. ahaha.

walked around till my feet were sore!! kept whining.. haha.. poor wendy had to put up with me.. she bought a white top for RM 89 wor!!! threepointsix brand de.. i like a piece of that brand but it's the same price too.... dun think i will buy it. then it was time for dinner. went to Cyberzone at Level 3 n chose a jap restaurant. had kyushu ramen for RM 12. cool..~~ they serve complimentary green tea too. after tt i wanted to buy somemore clothes but noticed the rest seem to want to go back home so we went back.

oohh i hate pple squeezing n pushing their way in a contained space!!! yucks! at woodlands i was stoned already. i walked past the berth where my bus is n then i realised. at sengkang i alighted to change bus to go home but on the bus i was stoning again.. i looked out of the window, doesn't look like my bus stop. then i look the other side, eh, blk 171. hmm shld i alight? i didn't. i alighted at the next stop, crossed the overhead bridge n took the next bus back. toopid sia!

then went i reached home i saw my mom looking at some SK II stuff.. i asked her how much she bought it for n she told me to shut up. i was pissed man. how can she value tt stuff more than me??? how can!! terrible of her!!! the older she gets the more ai swee she is. sianz. i somehow get the idea tt she doesn't like me to be at home cuz when i told her i spent a whole day at home she will complain abt her electricity bills.

woke up at 8.30am.. took my time.. weather was so cool tt i wld like to lie in bed all day. haha.. reached church at 10.15. was unsure abt the new location of the youth service so i was glad hanqiang was late with me. =x after service saw kwek n she wanted to tour the sch. so i joined her n peishan n hannah.. then she dropped me off at potong pasir mrt.. waited for my cell grp to decided where to eat then i join them. 10 min seem v long.. cuz of the rain n the noise the cars make when they drive past.

went to ng ah sio bak kut teh for lunch.. hoho.. took a sip of the soup n i choked. SO MUCH PEPPER!!! usually i cld eat 2 servings of rice but must try to cut. so i finished 1 serving n tt's it. after lunch took brandon's car home. rested a while then my uncle came with my new Barebone. have yet to take photo of it, cuz after installing a few stuff, it broke down. sigh. uncle took it back again. went to rest again then went out for dinner. it has been raining the whole day n shows no sign of stopping. ate a lot man. sigh.

adv web lesson.. submit assignment.. spent the whole lesson correcting it. then went for IENTP.. presented ICA2.. quite alright la.. after tt went home to relax..

public hol.. expected to go for breakfast with mom. she bought Mochi!!! yummy~!! then watched Home on the Range.. went out with ting.. went to marina sq.. saw in-base first.. very happy cuz it was a very big store.. haha.. saw the top that i wan to get but decided to hold first in case i see something better.. so walked around in search of ebase.. i like ebase clothes.. they have big clothes to hide a big figure like mine. hahaha.. didn't see the top i wanted.. sigh~ walked into alot of shops, some i dun see what i wan. i got some specific requests one.. haha.. must be v-shaped (i forgot y but i think i suit v-shape better) n i dun like plain and simple. i like unique. i dun wan long sleeves. i dun wan tight fit. the sleeves shld be short like razorback kind cuz i got broad shoulders. anyway found 2 green pieces, one for $19.90, one for $34.90. i managed to get discount so i got those 2 for $40. supposed to be $49+ so i v happy!! haha..

saw jinwen n then huiyi.. weiting saw her friend too, on our way to my hse. we watched Jaew together while eating nissin Chili Crab cup noodles... *drooolz* hehe then i passed her some clothes. i dunno y but it feels good to empty my wardrobe and make way for new clothes.. haha..

dad bought a hp yday n let me use it. i dun like panasonic la. i prefer nokia for its UI.

went to sch early.. hope to find someone to have lunch with. sigh. in the end i bought bread. short lesson of interactive design.. then went for National Education lecture on crime prevention. this guy called phil ho quite action, but manages to capture attention whenever he makes a loud sound. quite funny la. n it kinda had an impact on me.. after tt went to mac for DG with christine and lydia. she told us she has a good news to share, n lydia n i guessed it. haha.. she's getting married! hoho.. my sis vaguely remembers her. anyway. i was glad we ended early cuz lydia had to leave. i was getting tired.

i thought there was lesson at 3.. went to sch at 1+pm, hoping to find someone to have lunch with again, but surprisingly couldn't. everyone is busy. i dunno y i was so bored. there was no lesson. but there was phototaking for fusion. bought some bread again to eat n i saw michael n eileen.. chatted with them while i ate. oh yah. i was supposed to come up with 5-10 designs for SDN club. sigh. i hope they dun depend on me.

phototaking was quite fun la, but i look terrible. i juz dun like the way i look on photos. waited for dinnertime.. had reunion with farah n yihan n murucus to celebrate yihan's belated bday at breek's. it was quite alright la, the price.. n the food was rather bland. had the weirdest icecream. vanilla n expresso, chocolate and peanut butter. haha..

i'm broke.

no lesson. dad had his day off, so we went to west coast for brunch and have our hair cut. oh man. i gotta complain. i dun have many strands of hair left. i feel bald and shaven!!! it feels weird!!!

went to turf city to shop for groceries. have u heard of abalocos? weird intestine looking thing.

went home to rest a while but i realise i cannot rest cuz i gotta submit my broadcast graphics assignment. n then i couldn't do it cuz my comp broke down on me. ahhhhh.. went out for dinner at chinatown. walked around but my heart was not at ease. went home to download trial After Effects for mac.

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