
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

:: We Love House ::

wahaha long time no update again

let me begin with fri

had IENTP lesson in the morning, then after that went to AMK cash converters cuz i was super super desperate for new cds. bought 2, Salvador and Rebecca St James for $10.. i would have bought more but i only had $15. after that i realise i was in deep shit cuz i needed to pay for some stuff. i had to ask pple to return me money.. =x

i had nothing to do at home, so started to watch vcds i borrowed from hx.. watched H2 and... OMG! i fell in love with the main character!!!! woohoo~ at around 5 i started to prepare to go out. becuz if i dun go out before my parents come back i have a hard time explaining y i have to go out, and why i was dressed the way i was. ahaha. i wore eyeliner.....for the first time!! i ever tried experimenting with eyeliner but never wore it out before. i thought i didn't do a good job eh.

took bus 62 to punggol.. waited super long sia.. when i nv wait for 83, it comes. n 62 comes when i dun need it. was choosing between 85 and 43.. new bus services at punggol but i nv took b4. i realise i dunno how to get to orchard if i take 85 to yishun. so good thing 43 comes first. took probably 1 and a half hours to marine parade. went to the toilet in Parkway Parade, walk into ebase.. then went to take bus 36 to orchard. found weiting, working at 7-eleven at Orchard Shopping Centre.. i kinda nv realise that building is orchard shopping centre. ahaha. weiting says my eyeliner is ok. haha.. chatted with her for a while then she rushed off for a party liao. took bus to tiong bahru to meet amanda. i wasn't hungry but i dun wanna drink on an empty stomach so i bought some bread to munch while waiting for her.

we took bus 16 to Great world city then walked over to Zouk. guess wad was the event? We Love House! kor was going to spin for an hour. i was worried cuz i was broke and dun have enuf for cab home. haha.. met alex, shuping, jenna, siong chew, yong teng, carl, chucky, and GUESS WHO ELSE. someone i wouldn't expect to see. never. kuok zhiqiang lor!! siao de. i think i saw wilson also but he didn't see me. oh, i didn't drink at all. =) was busy looking around for cute guys. kor has a friend very cute, but didn't get to tok to him at all. aha. i still rem kor thot of a way to introduce us. a v funny way. (didn't happen tho, anyway.)the toilet is quite interesting.. first time there since zouk renovated before halloween last yr.

got quite bored cuz there were a lot of pple n i felt like i have no space to even stand. kept wanting to walk around to see more cute guys. there were quite a number that night, ;P around 1+am i wanted to leave already. eyes very tired cuz of the smoke from the smoke machine that blows mandy's skirt up and my top too. bleah~ took cab with her. we told the driver we only have $30 together, but he accepted the offer and drove us both home. washed my hair at the sink cuz i dun wanna wake my parents up by using the bathroom in their room. watched 2 cds of H2 then went to slp at 4am.

haha finally i finished abt friday.

now sat, i woke up around 8+ or 9+ to prepare to go Crest to choose stuff for PRC with guorong. finished around 1+pm then went home for lunch with my mom. then went to church. took lots of train that day. got a cake for weiyang and alan.. surprisingly the cake is quite cheap.. more affordable than i expected.

ok time for me to complain abt how tight my money is. got $20 from weiyang and jasmine, got $50 as allowance for THIS week. gave $10 for cell fund, $10 to top up ezlink card, $30 to children international, $10 deposited in bank, $5 for lunch on sunday and $5 kept. so THIS week no money.

had PRC preparation after cell grp. didn't have dinner but went home earlier than the psalmists. took train with esther then just nice met my parents at the same carriage. finished watching H2 and started to think a lot.

it's about pure love... makes me wanna sing Kinki Kid's Yamenaide Pure. makes me wonder what happened to love. i seem to have lost my emotions..


was still thinking abt the story even as i went to church. had breakfast that tasted sour. made me wonder if i would kena food poisoning or not. indeed i felt uncomfortable during service.. so i prayed for a strong stomach that can stand dirty food during mission trips. sermon taken from Acts, abt obeying God rather than men.

PRC sales was alright. tried a different method, simpler. turn out we didn't earn a single cent. not sure if we shld keep this system or not. went for lunch with M'kaddesh at bishan.. had char siew rice.. not really tasty to me, but the others think it looks good. diana says my haircut looks good.. haha.. i still hate it leh. went to Crest to return the stuff and then went home to slp. felt a little weak and tired.

around 6+pm lao gong called.. then i rem got dinner date with yc, hx n swee yi. =x haha.. went to woodlands to look for them. was half expecting to not eat cuz i'm broke. expected to just sit n watch them eat.. but hx they all already paid for my share... appreciate it so much! of cuz i'll return u guys money next week, thank God CNY is here.

ate a lot of meat.. a bit regret haha.. need to cut down la. really happy to meet up with them.

and lastly, monday

nothing much, went for lesson 45min late but mr choong still let me sign attendance... really thank God.. manage to catch the lesson. had lunch with swee yi n john then went for IENTP lesson. had a difficult time trying to balance out the financial plan.

wanted to slp when i get home, but there's no time. need to send ODAC the tshirt design n finish up my ID proposal.

need to buck up!! i need motivation!!!

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