
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

S.Korean Hostage Crisis: New deadline 3.30pm today

The Taliban killed 1 more hostage. Assholes. Imagine their frustration if we just don't care about the pple they've held hostage. They won't be able to get what they want. But this can never happen. If it does, humanity is in trouble.

Our weakness is that we cannot fight back because of the lives of the hostages, we may have to give in eventually (dunno what the government is planning). But in our weakness God's strength is found. God will make a way for the pple He loves and are persecuted.

Here in Singapore life still goes on for most of us. Who would get down on their knees and pray for the Koreans? Who would fast for them? I'm troubled but I haven't been praying much. Let's call each other up to pray for these brothers and sisters.

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