
Friday, September 07, 2007

:: sept week 1 ::

yeah i was saying i feel my boss is piling work on me. I have ...currently, 9 projects on hand. including 5 major website revamps and creations. can u beat that? i am so prepared to do OT this week.

4th tue - went to Mount Faber to meet a client. wooo shiok.. nice place to work in actually. just errr.. a bit hard to get there. i feel like switching to the tourism industry... the meeting was a bit long, but i met a fellow 21-yr-old poly grad working there. =) honestly i'm not very confident of my ability to do the work i promised. but i must do my best to prove myself. i wanna be a good designer!!! *sobz..* there goes my freedom...
client offered me a cable car ride to Harbourfront. ooohhh shiok! shld have brought my camera. later i try upload another pic thru my phone.
bought donuts from Vivocity - it was lunch time okay? went to Standard Chartered to query abt my debit card, found out it wasn't sent out... then took train back to office. bought bubble tea along the way. i feel deprived of: 1) bubble tea, 2) avocado juice at my new workplace lor. =(
after work i went to church for prayer meeting. so long nv go for prayer meeting, i was actually wondering to go or not. During prayer meeting, ...beating around the Bush has just got another meaning for Americans. haha.. prayed for many groups of pple and got updates of other congregations and extensions of COR.
then went for supper with some m'kk pple. i felt hungry halfway during prayer meeting actually, but couldn't find a good time to go out and eat my green tea muffin. more like green bean muffin la. yucks. can't drink tea at night, so i ordered hot milo instead.

5th wed - OT everyday this week, and next week. plan already. dun ask me out.
had fish slice bee hoon at my office downstairs. paid FREAKING $5 for it! i will never eat that again.

6th thur - meeting with 2 clients. stress level went up.
received reply from the police regarding the "scam" i got myself into last week. turns out it was a scam after all. check out www.cad.gov.sg for similar scams like that.
received my debit card finally! instruction given was to sign on the back of the card immediately, but.. erm.. sign where?
reminded myself to pack bag for Psalmist retreat.

7th fri - today a bit not here. slept early last night but felt very sleepy today. tried to spread out my workload, but i can't seem to think and design anything today. on weekend mode already.
Check out today's Electric New Paper. There were a few reports on the similar scam too.
Psalmist Retreat!

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