Haaa i'm ashamed to say that I haven't been to a dentist for YEARS (some of u may be blushing reading this, if u're like me, afraid of the dentist!) but now i can be proud to say that i've just been to one! haa.. on Saturday morning.
It was certainly a BLOODY (with and without 'and') painful experience. Expensive too.. *sniffs* but it's worth it la. Dental services are HEALTH services right? I came out of the clinic with my teeth (nerves) feeling sore =( They look pretty (with and without 'and') clean though. =)
Had chicken rice for lunch with my cell, i was chewing painfully. Shirley Bong joined us and i was asking her about Tung Ling.. as much as i am keen, i don't think i'll go for the coming term anyway.
Hoping to go for Family Camp come June, but can't find roomies.
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Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
:: Good Friday, Easter and stuff.. ::
Haiya, Faith hasn't sent me pictures of the food we cooked.. hehe but anyway. Went to church last Thurs with my dad, it was Maundy Thursday. I think my mom called it Moody Thursday. LOL. I think i was dazed out after the time of worship - i almost don't know ALL the songs. felt weird. Rev John Sim led us through an "experience" with our 5 senses with objects that help us ..umm, understand more abt dunno what la.
1. Cotton puff soaked in nard, the perfume Mary used to wipe Jesus' feet
2. Ash, to remind us how dirty our sins are. (and water to wash our fingers after we touched the ash)
3. Peppermint - at least that's what I think it is. It's a herb meant to cure insomnia, bad breath.. but anyway the purpose is to let us taste the bitterness and yet goodness of the herb.
4. Love letter to write to our Lord - I went to play with Noah at this point.. hee
5. Wafer and wine for Holy Communion
Did I miss anything out?
Good Friday
Had to wake up early.. ooh.. packed my bag to go Faith's house for stayover but I hadn't told my mom yet, haven't really seen her. haa..
Was doing projection with Liesbet. Hope the slides background pictures weren't too cheesy.
After that went for lunch with cell grp at Popeye's @ The Singapore Flyer!! wooo... first time around that area. Looks like a zoo. Popeye's big man. Felt as if I was at the Expo. >.<
Then played with Servio, chatted with Zane, etc.. Pastor also knows I plan to go on a mission trip already.. haha.. after a while I walked to Marina Sq to look for Faith and her cell pple.
Had dessert at.. MOF. Gabriel said MOF stands for Ministry of Food, I didn't believe him!! lol. It's Japanese ma, thought MOF would be some cool Jap name. But it's true. ha.
Chatted for a while then Faith and I left to head for her place. Kinda lazy to go downstairs to buy ingredients to cook, so we cooked instant noodles with whatever we could find in her fridge. It's well-stocked okay.
woke up late.. haa.. actually i sorta woke up already but just lazy to get up. Kinda felt Faith's dog touching me. I'm not one who likes to fuss with dogs. I'm a cat lover. Guess that means I don't like to give a pet too much attention.
Soon it started pouring heavily. And it was time for lunch. we decided to cook macaroni with cheese, but i needed milk, so i went downstairs to buy. the end product was YUMMYYYY!!! so inspired by how easy it is to prepare and cook. =)
Played Sims 2 as Faith recommended me to play, she was guiding me along to create new Sims. haha I shan't tell u the names of the couple I created. =P
Didn't do much for that day, and then it was time to prepare dinner. We went to buy ingredients and cooked beancurd, long beans omelette, and i fried misc stuff like crab sticks, cuttlefish ball, and pork nugget. keke..
didn't want to watch tv, so i went to play Sims 2 again!! aiyo.. played till 10+pm! went to sleep cuz we gotta wake up early the next day for Easter Sunday service.
Easter Sunday
almost couldn't wake up. hehe.. hurriedly packed up and we left the house. Got to Boon Lay bus interchange and met Andrielle, then we took train to Clementi, hoping to catch the shuttle bus, but we missed it!!! owww.. we were discussing holiday plans on the train. hehe.
Met Jingying, Theodore and Jane at Clementi bus stop. They were also hoping to catch the shuttle bus, but after Jane called the office she told us it had left already. Sigh, so we shared cabs to get to church. Reached on time. =)
I miss services at Loke Cheng Kim hall. =(
after service we had a time of breakfast.. so-so nia la. haa.. my mom didn't look after the cup of tea i had halfway.. =(
And then the games started. Went to watch Captain's ball, since my cell girls are playing. M'kk actually named the team MKK Plus El! Jac was so touched she had to play hahahaha..
It was time to serve food for lunch.. dunno y it's so tiring. i remember working as a "cleaner" before at a fast food restaurant at the Night Safari and after a few hours my co-workers told me my face was very red, and i just felt super drained. i am so lousy.
wanted to join my cell to eat together, but after i got my food i lost them. sian. so i joined MKK and then left with my dad.
went home to sleep. then went out for dinner with my parents and shopped for groceries for cooking. =P
Supposed to start Thai lessons but it was postponed to a week later. So i went home to cook - Macaroni with cheese! hehe.. mommy gave me 70 marks. =)
went to Bishan to watch The Leap Years with Swee Yi. Hmm.. i think it's okay la, not as bad as many pple say. Never believe reviews. :) But Swee Yi commented after the show that because the story is based on a book, it's strong, but screenplay is weak. I went home and thought about it and found it true. You understand the story through dialogues, not really by things happening around that give hints. I love My Girl (Thai movie). Lotsa thought put into it.
Anyway, after the movie, we went to a coffeeshop nearby so I could finish up my dinner. Chatted for quite a while and then we went home. =)
went home to cook Macaroni with Cheese again, trying to improve it as well as just to fill my tummy. Didn't eat lunch cuz i had heavy breakfast..
Went to meet Persis at Dhoby Ghaut, wanted to take bus to Marine Parade, but she decided to take cab down. whoa.. peak hours, very chor leh. Bought a bouquet of flowers - with 1 stalk of sunflower. =) so secretive sia.. haven't got to what i was going to do.
Reached the Church of Singapore on time. Joseph and Hiong Yee just reached too. Then we went up to the Chapel.. wanted to find seats, but we saw Phei Phei, so i presented her flowers. It was her graduation ceremony from Tung Ling! =)
I was impressed by the worship team and stage setup.. The pple look like they're in their 20's.. Hmmm.... the drums was "cut off" by glass panels.. which i find sounds weird because the sound comes from the speakers rather than from the stage itself. Don't really know the songs except 1 or 2 by Chris Tomlin. =)
Rev Dr Isaac Lim preached.. 3 points as "a good Methodist" (he said so himself!) haa. From Matthew 24.
1. God is great - very simple. Don't expect the ordinary, but the extraordinary! Jesus died, that is ordinary, ...but also He rose again! now that's extraordinary.
2. God is there. Jesus assured the two Marys that He would go ahead of the disciples to Galilee. Remember that in our ministries there may be ups and downs, but God is there ahead of us.
3. God has a mission. What else do you think Jesus died for? Rev Isaac noted that all 4 Gospels end with the commission - probably worded subtly, but they all state God's mission.
Really felt that the graduation ceremony was very heartwarming, that the students really bond together very well as they cheered for each other..
After the ceremony Persis and I went downstairs for the light refreshment.. hmm yummy efu noodles! Then Phei Phei introduced her good friend, Margaret, from Myanmar to us. Persis would be bringing her to Praise service on Sat. =)
Then Phei Phei and Margaret accompanied me to the bus stop. I feel so drawn to the Katong area..... Felt nostalgic. I want to come back often =)
PP asked whether I am interested to go for the course in Tung Ling during my few months of break... I'd probably first heard of Tung Ling from Chris, Shirley and then Vincent, like 2-3 years ago? before that I have never heard of it, moreover thought abt going. Hmmmmm....~ this experience today is probably God's way of showing an opening??
1. Cotton puff soaked in nard, the perfume Mary used to wipe Jesus' feet
2. Ash, to remind us how dirty our sins are. (and water to wash our fingers after we touched the ash)
3. Peppermint - at least that's what I think it is. It's a herb meant to cure insomnia, bad breath.. but anyway the purpose is to let us taste the bitterness and yet goodness of the herb.
4. Love letter to write to our Lord - I went to play with Noah at this point.. hee
5. Wafer and wine for Holy Communion
Did I miss anything out?
Good Friday
Had to wake up early.. ooh.. packed my bag to go Faith's house for stayover but I hadn't told my mom yet, haven't really seen her. haa..
Was doing projection with Liesbet. Hope the slides background pictures weren't too cheesy.
After that went for lunch with cell grp at Popeye's @ The Singapore Flyer!! wooo... first time around that area. Looks like a zoo. Popeye's big man. Felt as if I was at the Expo. >.<
Then played with Servio, chatted with Zane, etc.. Pastor also knows I plan to go on a mission trip already.. haha.. after a while I walked to Marina Sq to look for Faith and her cell pple.
Had dessert at.. MOF. Gabriel said MOF stands for Ministry of Food, I didn't believe him!! lol. It's Japanese ma, thought MOF would be some cool Jap name. But it's true. ha.
Chatted for a while then Faith and I left to head for her place. Kinda lazy to go downstairs to buy ingredients to cook, so we cooked instant noodles with whatever we could find in her fridge. It's well-stocked okay.
woke up late.. haa.. actually i sorta woke up already but just lazy to get up. Kinda felt Faith's dog touching me. I'm not one who likes to fuss with dogs. I'm a cat lover. Guess that means I don't like to give a pet too much attention.
Soon it started pouring heavily. And it was time for lunch. we decided to cook macaroni with cheese, but i needed milk, so i went downstairs to buy. the end product was YUMMYYYY!!! so inspired by how easy it is to prepare and cook. =)
Played Sims 2 as Faith recommended me to play, she was guiding me along to create new Sims. haha I shan't tell u the names of the couple I created. =P
Didn't do much for that day, and then it was time to prepare dinner. We went to buy ingredients and cooked beancurd, long beans omelette, and i fried misc stuff like crab sticks, cuttlefish ball, and pork nugget. keke..
didn't want to watch tv, so i went to play Sims 2 again!! aiyo.. played till 10+pm! went to sleep cuz we gotta wake up early the next day for Easter Sunday service.
Easter Sunday
almost couldn't wake up. hehe.. hurriedly packed up and we left the house. Got to Boon Lay bus interchange and met Andrielle, then we took train to Clementi, hoping to catch the shuttle bus, but we missed it!!! owww.. we were discussing holiday plans on the train. hehe.
Met Jingying, Theodore and Jane at Clementi bus stop. They were also hoping to catch the shuttle bus, but after Jane called the office she told us it had left already. Sigh, so we shared cabs to get to church. Reached on time. =)
I miss services at Loke Cheng Kim hall. =(
after service we had a time of breakfast.. so-so nia la. haa.. my mom didn't look after the cup of tea i had halfway.. =(
And then the games started. Went to watch Captain's ball, since my cell girls are playing. M'kk actually named the team MKK Plus El! Jac was so touched she had to play hahahaha..
It was time to serve food for lunch.. dunno y it's so tiring. i remember working as a "cleaner" before at a fast food restaurant at the Night Safari and after a few hours my co-workers told me my face was very red, and i just felt super drained. i am so lousy.
wanted to join my cell to eat together, but after i got my food i lost them. sian. so i joined MKK and then left with my dad.
went home to sleep. then went out for dinner with my parents and shopped for groceries for cooking. =P
Supposed to start Thai lessons but it was postponed to a week later. So i went home to cook - Macaroni with cheese! hehe.. mommy gave me 70 marks. =)
went to Bishan to watch The Leap Years with Swee Yi. Hmm.. i think it's okay la, not as bad as many pple say. Never believe reviews. :) But Swee Yi commented after the show that because the story is based on a book, it's strong, but screenplay is weak. I went home and thought about it and found it true. You understand the story through dialogues, not really by things happening around that give hints. I love My Girl (Thai movie). Lotsa thought put into it.
Anyway, after the movie, we went to a coffeeshop nearby so I could finish up my dinner. Chatted for quite a while and then we went home. =)
went home to cook Macaroni with Cheese again, trying to improve it as well as just to fill my tummy. Didn't eat lunch cuz i had heavy breakfast..
Went to meet Persis at Dhoby Ghaut, wanted to take bus to Marine Parade, but she decided to take cab down. whoa.. peak hours, very chor leh. Bought a bouquet of flowers - with 1 stalk of sunflower. =) so secretive sia.. haven't got to what i was going to do.
Reached the Church of Singapore on time. Joseph and Hiong Yee just reached too. Then we went up to the Chapel.. wanted to find seats, but we saw Phei Phei, so i presented her flowers. It was her graduation ceremony from Tung Ling! =)
I was impressed by the worship team and stage setup.. The pple look like they're in their 20's.. Hmmm.... the drums was "cut off" by glass panels.. which i find sounds weird because the sound comes from the speakers rather than from the stage itself. Don't really know the songs except 1 or 2 by Chris Tomlin. =)
Rev Dr Isaac Lim preached.. 3 points as "a good Methodist" (he said so himself!) haa. From Matthew 24.
1. God is great - very simple. Don't expect the ordinary, but the extraordinary! Jesus died, that is ordinary, ...but also He rose again! now that's extraordinary.
2. God is there. Jesus assured the two Marys that He would go ahead of the disciples to Galilee. Remember that in our ministries there may be ups and downs, but God is there ahead of us.
3. God has a mission. What else do you think Jesus died for? Rev Isaac noted that all 4 Gospels end with the commission - probably worded subtly, but they all state God's mission.
Really felt that the graduation ceremony was very heartwarming, that the students really bond together very well as they cheered for each other..
After the ceremony Persis and I went downstairs for the light refreshment.. hmm yummy efu noodles! Then Phei Phei introduced her good friend, Margaret, from Myanmar to us. Persis would be bringing her to Praise service on Sat. =)
Then Phei Phei and Margaret accompanied me to the bus stop. I feel so drawn to the Katong area..... Felt nostalgic. I want to come back often =)
PP asked whether I am interested to go for the course in Tung Ling during my few months of break... I'd probably first heard of Tung Ling from Chris, Shirley and then Vincent, like 2-3 years ago? before that I have never heard of it, moreover thought abt going. Hmmmmm....~ this experience today is probably God's way of showing an opening??
Sunday, March 23, 2008
:: updates March so far ::
just a bit of backtrack of happenings for this month:
9 Mar Sun
MCG prayer meeting at Ruth&Clifton's place.. mainly pray for Gail's trip. Our MCG is macam a ladies' ministry, we talk about issues like childbirth, housekeeping and stuff, also because Ruth is giving birth to Naomi soon. =) wahaha..~
actually from Sengkang very convenient for me to go home.. but that day i didn't plan to go home yet wor. Planned to meet swee yi at PS. we had dinner at Pastamania - got new menu! and then we went shopping.. I bought 2 CDs!! U2 Singles and Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight. i like the U2 album =) then the Linkin Park... the album got a "What I've Done" distorted version.. i forgot abt it and put it into my MP3 player.. i thought my player low batt or going to spoil sia. LOL. ya i still got a lot of CDs i wanna buy. hehe.. though i know that i'm gonna be financially tight, yet... haiyo.
14 Mar Fri
yeah some photos as i go along.. Planned to meet swee yi for movie, but no more suitable timings for L: Change the World le. So i decided to meet Judy for dinner instead, then go for the Mosaic Music Fest. Just then Shirley realised that i'm also going, so we decided to meet. Anyway after a lot of complicated discussion, i decided to meet Shirley for dinner at Marina Sq, then go watch Olivia Ong perform.

meeting Shirley for dinner at Marina Sq foodcourt.. she brought 2 cupcakes for me!! =D

That's the Olivia Ong Quintet - now i know quintet means a five-piece band.

cool decor at the Mosaic Music Fest 2008
after that.. about 10pm the band finished their 45-min+encore performance, so Shirley went back, while i went to the outdoor concert to look for Judy who was with her colleagues and their friends. There was some rock band from Australia called Violet (i think) performing.. i found it too loud so i walked away and found Judy hanging out with her ex-colleague at the back. Then after hanging around we decided to go Clarke Quay to chill out. we actually took cab there! haa..
Went to Attica to club... and i met my idol DJ!!!!

Have you ever wondered where i got my nick from? That's DJ Jensen and DJ Gemz (chiong one). =)
He was very nice to treat us to a bottle of Smirnoff Vodka. =) he also joined us when we played finger guessing game.. DJ Sebastian was there too.. (Power 98 deejays)
actually i think the music at Attica is quite terrible.. a mix of retro, trance, pop.. what is that!! felt tired so i left earlier. Caught the night owl bus. Cheaper than cab =)
15 Mar Sat
woke up really late.. haha...
anyway, at cell grp, Malcolm surprised the girls with bouquets of flowers for us!!

haha he really put the rest of our cell grp guys to shame! LOL
i think it's really sweet, and kind of him to think of using the leftover flowers from his cafe (from an event), repackage them and give it to his cell girls! like, throwing them away is such a waste, why not use them, though they are left over, to bring joy to others and make someone else's day?
after cell, i went home, cuz i forgot that i was going to Wanling's bday chalet after cell.. went home to change into something nicer. managed to catch up with her a bit, as well as other exclassmates. I was surprised to see many pple from DMD, i thought she only invited Junhao, Kenn and Edwin, and the rest of her guests would be her clubbing friends, colleagues etc. Actually they arrived later la, think they expect to get drunk and stayover one.
next day i brought my parents to Downtown East again for dinner.. cuz there r so many new eating places over there!
lately... Watson's got sale.. everywhere got sale!!! =D
Just went to stayover at Faith's place over Good Friday - Easter Sunday.. will blog about it later, with pictures! =)
9 Mar Sun
MCG prayer meeting at Ruth&Clifton's place.. mainly pray for Gail's trip. Our MCG is macam a ladies' ministry, we talk about issues like childbirth, housekeeping and stuff, also because Ruth is giving birth to Naomi soon. =) wahaha..~
actually from Sengkang very convenient for me to go home.. but that day i didn't plan to go home yet wor. Planned to meet swee yi at PS. we had dinner at Pastamania - got new menu! and then we went shopping.. I bought 2 CDs!! U2 Singles and Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight. i like the U2 album =) then the Linkin Park... the album got a "What I've Done" distorted version.. i forgot abt it and put it into my MP3 player.. i thought my player low batt or going to spoil sia. LOL. ya i still got a lot of CDs i wanna buy. hehe.. though i know that i'm gonna be financially tight, yet... haiyo.
14 Mar Fri
yeah some photos as i go along.. Planned to meet swee yi for movie, but no more suitable timings for L: Change the World le. So i decided to meet Judy for dinner instead, then go for the Mosaic Music Fest. Just then Shirley realised that i'm also going, so we decided to meet. Anyway after a lot of complicated discussion, i decided to meet Shirley for dinner at Marina Sq, then go watch Olivia Ong perform.

meeting Shirley for dinner at Marina Sq foodcourt.. she brought 2 cupcakes for me!! =D

That's the Olivia Ong Quintet - now i know quintet means a five-piece band.

cool decor at the Mosaic Music Fest 2008
after that.. about 10pm the band finished their 45-min+encore performance, so Shirley went back, while i went to the outdoor concert to look for Judy who was with her colleagues and their friends. There was some rock band from Australia called Violet (i think) performing.. i found it too loud so i walked away and found Judy hanging out with her ex-colleague at the back. Then after hanging around we decided to go Clarke Quay to chill out. we actually took cab there! haa..
Went to Attica to club... and i met my idol DJ!!!!

Have you ever wondered where i got my nick from? That's DJ Jensen and DJ Gemz (chiong one). =)
He was very nice to treat us to a bottle of Smirnoff Vodka. =) he also joined us when we played finger guessing game.. DJ Sebastian was there too.. (Power 98 deejays)
actually i think the music at Attica is quite terrible.. a mix of retro, trance, pop.. what is that!! felt tired so i left earlier. Caught the night owl bus. Cheaper than cab =)
15 Mar Sat
woke up really late.. haha...
anyway, at cell grp, Malcolm surprised the girls with bouquets of flowers for us!!

haha he really put the rest of our cell grp guys to shame! LOL
i think it's really sweet, and kind of him to think of using the leftover flowers from his cafe (from an event), repackage them and give it to his cell girls! like, throwing them away is such a waste, why not use them, though they are left over, to bring joy to others and make someone else's day?
after cell, i went home, cuz i forgot that i was going to Wanling's bday chalet after cell.. went home to change into something nicer. managed to catch up with her a bit, as well as other exclassmates. I was surprised to see many pple from DMD, i thought she only invited Junhao, Kenn and Edwin, and the rest of her guests would be her clubbing friends, colleagues etc. Actually they arrived later la, think they expect to get drunk and stayover one.
next day i brought my parents to Downtown East again for dinner.. cuz there r so many new eating places over there!
lately... Watson's got sale.. everywhere got sale!!! =D
Just went to stayover at Faith's place over Good Friday - Easter Sunday.. will blog about it later, with pictures! =)
Monday, March 17, 2008
:: Discipline ::
i forgot to apply a layer of moisturiser and eye cream before i left house yesterday... and my face felt painful whenever i wasn't in the shade. my eyes also looked terrible. :(
but i learnt something.. you've gotta be disciplined to take care of your body... one-time application of eye creams don't make your eyes look good, but regular sleep and a discipline of applying eye cream regularly do. Similarly, to slim down, is not to skip a meal and that's it, but it's a long-term, conscious habit.
And i think that's the word God has for me for this season. :)
but i learnt something.. you've gotta be disciplined to take care of your body... one-time application of eye creams don't make your eyes look good, but regular sleep and a discipline of applying eye cream regularly do. Similarly, to slim down, is not to skip a meal and that's it, but it's a long-term, conscious habit.
And i think that's the word God has for me for this season. :)
:: How To Stop Blame And Find Your Personal Power ::
Regarding my earlier post i realise i have been blaming people, no matter what other people do, why should i allow it to stumble myself? Why expect others to set an example for me when I should be more concerned about myself setting an example for the younger ones in church?
And I've been blaming myself for past decisions... I need to learn to forgive myself and move on.
Do bear with the lengthy-ness of the sermon below... I've already removed illustrations!
And I've been blaming myself for past decisions... I need to learn to forgive myself and move on.
Do bear with the lengthy-ness of the sermon below... I've already removed illustrations!
How To Stop Blame And Find Your Personal Power
By: Bo Sanchez
People like to blame others for their own mess. And society supports this bankrupt pattern of thinking!
Are you blaming others or are you taking charge?
You Can Be Successful! The only thing that’s common to all successful people is how they respond to failure: They take charge.
Every successful person in the world responds to failure positively. They bounce back. They don’t whine, complain, or blame. Instead, they stand up and fix it. They take responsibility.
Unsuccessful people, on the other hand, are Expert Blamers. They will never take charge. They will never say, “I’m in charge. Depending on what I choose, my life can be very beautiful or very ugly.” Because addicts believe that others are to blame for their problem.
Expert Blamers blame three favorite things…
1. Another Person
2. The Devil
3. God
First Favorite Thing To Blame: Another Person
Adam and Eve represent all the Unsuccessful People in the world. Because they were Expert Blamers.
When God asked, “Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?” Adam said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”
In other words, the woman is to blame!
And if you study history, men have always blamed women for everything that has gone wrong in the world. (I think the scientific word for this phenomenon is Jerkhood.)
What’s the truth?
Many of the problems of this world are really a problem of manhood.
Larry Crabb says the same thing. He says the world is in a catastrophic mess right now because of one sin: The silence of Adam. (That’s the title of his intriguing book.) He says Adam didn’t protect his wife Eve. Instead, Adam remained silent. He should have said, “Sweetheart, what are you doing talking to that slimy Mr. Snake? I’m your husband and I will not just stand here while he’s lies to you and robs you. I will protect you. Stand back while I whack that creature on its head.”
Men have not taken responsibility for the spiritual life of their families.
Men have not been aggressive enough to care for their wives, their children, and their communities.
What do men do? They earn the money and do nothing else. Thinking that’s all there is to being a man, they live their own little selfish life with a beer bottle in one hand and a TV remote on the other.
When You Blame Other People, You Give Them Your Power And Become Powerless
Second Favorite Thing To Blame: The Devil
In the Garden of Eden, these words were spoken: Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”
After all these centuries, nothing much has changed. People still say, “The devil made me do it!”
There are people who find the devil hiding behind every corner, tempting us, oppressing us. People like blaming demons for everything—a flat tire, a migraine, a sick child, a divorce, a loss of job, a business failure, an adulterous relationship.
But here’s the truth: the Devil operates on borrowed power.
Whose power? Yours. Unless you give your power to the devil, he will have no power over you.
Because his power is based on a lie. Because his power is based on your fear.
The more fear we have of him, the more power he has over us.
Friend, here’s the truth: You have power over the devil.
Why? Because you’re a child of God.
Chisel this on stone: Blaming the devil for our problems is useless.
Stop doing it.
In fact, he likes that you blame him. By making himself bigger, he has power over your life.
Instead, by your courage to take charge, you will free yourself—and others as well.
Third Favorite Thing To Blame: God
Adam said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”
What was he saying? That God—who created the woman—is to blame!
When you blame others, when you blame the devil, and when you blame God, you’re saying, “I’m a helpless victim of circumstance. I’m not in control. I’m not in charge.”
Learned Helplessness
When I was in Indonesia, I rode an Elephant for the first time. What an experience to be on top of that beautiful animal.
But here’s what amazed me more: How could a 6-ton beast be held captive by a flimsy rope tied to his foot? All he had to do was sneeze hard enough and the rope would snap. But like a tiny puppy, the elephant would just stay there.
Later, I found out why.
When the elephant was a tiny baby, that rope was strong enough to hold him captive.
At the beginning, little jumbo pulled and pulled against the rope—but all in vain. Finally, the baby elephant concluded that all effort was useless.
So even when he grew in size and power—and can now actually cut that rope with a careless jerk of its foot—it won’t. Why? Because the rope isn’t tied to its body. The rope is tied to its mind.
This phenomenon is called “Learned Helplessness” and it doesn’t only happen to elephants. It also happens to human beings. After many failed attempts, we give up. And we blame the rope for our misery.
Friend, what are the ropes in your life?
Remember: It’s not tied to your body. It’s tied to your mind. So you can’t untie it in reality without untying it in your mind first.
You can do that only through the opposite of Learned Helplessness… Learned Power!
If there’s such a thing as “Learned Helplessness”, then there’s the phenomenon of “Learned Power”. God has supplied you the power to change your life—you just have to discover it within you.
Learned Helplessness happens one day at a time. Learned Power happens one day at a time too.
We need to depend on God alone. I’ve also met Christians who tell me, “Bo, I’ve tried my best to stop my sin. It doesn’t work. I’ve tried ‘willpower’ Christianity and failed miserably. So I’m now just surrendering everything to God…”
Hey, that’s fine—if “surrendering” means depending on God. He is the source of all blessings.
But listen well: God’s infinite blessing will have to flow through a channel, and one of His major channels is through your will. Because God works through your choices.
And by the mere fact that He gave you freewill, don’t you think He wants you to use it? Or is it some sick tool He gave you to prove that no matter how much you use it, it won’t work? (Gosh, if that were true, God is cruel.)
The Bible says that you are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly world[3]. I believe that. And I believe that includes the power to decide to change your life one day at a time.
Break The Rope One Strand At A Time
If I tied a single strand of thread around your two hands, would you be able to break free? In a snap, right?
But what if I tied your hands with one hundred strands of thread—would it be as easy?
No it won’t. Brute strength would be useless. You need a strategy: You need to cut one piece of thread at a time. It’s the same thing with a bad habit. You have to do it one day at a time. Tomorrow, do the same thing. And the next day, do it again. And pretty soon, you’ll be cutting the last strand.
Friend, you’re not helpless. You can change your life!
You can change your Spiritual life.
You can change your Family life.
You can change your Physical Life.
You can change your Financial life.
Starting today!
If You’re Not Going To Blame Others, Should You Blame Yourself?
God is not in the business of blaming people.
God is in the business of loving people, forgiving people, and giving people abundance.
If you have a fault, accept it.
If you have sinned, admit it.
But never condemn yourself!
Instead, take responsibility. Take charge!
When you take responsibility, you don’t blame and condemn yourself.
Because condemnation won’t heal you. Judging yourself won’t heal you. Taking a guilt trip won’t heal you. Shaming yourself won’t heal you. Only love will. And by taking charge, you love yourself.
Shaming Doesn’t Work
Listen carefully: Shaming someone does nothing to make that person better!
It doesn’t work when we do it on our children.
It doesn’t work when we do it on our friends.
And it doesn’t work when we do it on ourselves.
A Different Kind of Examination of Conscience
For years, each night, before going to bed, I would do what the Church called an “Examination of Conscience”. I would scan my entire day to see if I committed any sin. I would then ask for forgiveness and go to sleep.
For years I was doing this practice, but deep within, something was telling me there was something lacking. Today, I discovered it was God speaking to me, telling me that my Examination of Conscience was pathetically incomplete.
Today, I now realize that if it’s a complete, full-bodied, authentic Examination of Conscience, I should first search for the times when I did right before I search for the times I did wrong. When was I good today? When did I reflect God’s face today? When did I love others today? When did I love myself today? When was I able to serve and give and share?
Because that’s how God thinks about me. He’s not a Platoon
Sergeant preparing his troops for a military parade, inspecting for lint on my uniform and mud in my boots. Like the Father who welcomed the prodigal son who came home from working with the pigs, He embraces my dirt, my mud, and my pig stench. He puts a royal robe around my shame. He throws a welcome party for me. He loves me.
And then He’ll give me a bath. He’ll remove my dirty. He’ll remove my mud. He’ll remove my stench.
We’ve got it all wrong. The primary focus of an Examination of Conscience is not sin. The focus is receiving love. And that love will heal my sin.
Because what we focus on grows. If I focus on my sin only, it grows. But if I focus on my good, the good grows in me. And it grows so much that it replaces the bad within me.
Let me end with these powerful words:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frighten us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God?
Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you.
It is not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
---Marianne Williamson
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
:: Hebrews 12 ::
I think that Hebrews itself is a commentary.. The writer is a Bible scholar who knew his Jewish history well, and is using his understanding of the Scriptures to prove truths about Jesus.
In chapter 12, verse 3 I find great encouragement: Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
Jesus endured pain on the cross, and suffered humiliation by the very people who hung Him there. Throughout His life we also read that there were always people trying to oppose Him, His words and actions. They were leaders of the Jewish temples! They knew the Word of God well and yet still ignorant of its meaning. They were sinful because they did not accept Jesus as who the Word says He is.
As I was thinking of that verse, very sadly the people I consider "sinful" were actually some people from church. I don't understand.. they acknowledge their weaknesses very openly, which is supposedly a step towards repentance.. and then? they acknowledge it again and again and people just laugh off the seriousness of it. Isn't it their fault for causing me to judge them? Hmm.. argh. Sometimes I grow weary of checking my own walk and lose heart of keeping the standard when everyone else seems to not be living up to the standard also.. Like many years ago I started drinking because someone from church drinks, and everyone else just teases him about it. Ya la there shldn't be condemnation but there shld be some form of discipline...? Am I warped or what? Is it very selfish of me to expect others to set an example for me?
P.S. During Sunday Prayer Chris shared Psalm 73... guess that's some kind of encouragement ba. I'm not supposed to compare my walk with other people, but... that's how I am, always comparing with other people.
verse 7: Endure hardship as discipline
I've been stressed out last Fri night, thinking about the things I have to sell in order to survive 3-4 months unemployed, with driving lessons and trips to finance. Yet at the same time I'm telling myself that God provides. He has called me out of my job, He will help me through. It's gonna be hard knowing full well how much savings I have and that it's gonna run out in 3 month's time. I have to discipline myself in terms of spending. Hmm.. but Jac suggests that I don't have to restrict myself so painfully.. indeed, I ought to enjoy this time of rest and not stress myself out.
verse 11: No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
Think of it this way, after the 3-4 months, I would emerge stronger, with skills in driving, cycling, a new language, and experience in overseas missions!
In chapter 12, verse 3 I find great encouragement: Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
Jesus endured pain on the cross, and suffered humiliation by the very people who hung Him there. Throughout His life we also read that there were always people trying to oppose Him, His words and actions. They were leaders of the Jewish temples! They knew the Word of God well and yet still ignorant of its meaning. They were sinful because they did not accept Jesus as who the Word says He is.
As I was thinking of that verse, very sadly the people I consider "sinful" were actually some people from church. I don't understand.. they acknowledge their weaknesses very openly, which is supposedly a step towards repentance.. and then? they acknowledge it again and again and people just laugh off the seriousness of it. Isn't it their fault for causing me to judge them? Hmm.. argh. Sometimes I grow weary of checking my own walk and lose heart of keeping the standard when everyone else seems to not be living up to the standard also.. Like many years ago I started drinking because someone from church drinks, and everyone else just teases him about it. Ya la there shldn't be condemnation but there shld be some form of discipline...? Am I warped or what? Is it very selfish of me to expect others to set an example for me?
P.S. During Sunday Prayer Chris shared Psalm 73... guess that's some kind of encouragement ba. I'm not supposed to compare my walk with other people, but... that's how I am, always comparing with other people.
verse 7: Endure hardship as discipline
I've been stressed out last Fri night, thinking about the things I have to sell in order to survive 3-4 months unemployed, with driving lessons and trips to finance. Yet at the same time I'm telling myself that God provides. He has called me out of my job, He will help me through. It's gonna be hard knowing full well how much savings I have and that it's gonna run out in 3 month's time. I have to discipline myself in terms of spending. Hmm.. but Jac suggests that I don't have to restrict myself so painfully.. indeed, I ought to enjoy this time of rest and not stress myself out.
verse 11: No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
Think of it this way, after the 3-4 months, I would emerge stronger, with skills in driving, cycling, a new language, and experience in overseas missions!
Sunday, March 09, 2008
:: MSN spaces ::
please click on the link on this entry title to go to my MSN spaces where I will be posting photos of trips, events and people etc. I think i've reached my monthly quota, but do look out for that space every now and then!
i'm not one who publicises my blog links especially this blog, but i won't mind anyone linking me. =)
p.s. when my entry title is purple, that means it's a link!
i'm not one who publicises my blog links especially this blog, but i won't mind anyone linking me. =)
p.s. when my entry title is purple, that means it's a link!
Friday, March 07, 2008
:: Fusion 2008 ::
today i took leave to go back to NYP to visit my juniors. It's Fusion again! =)
Went straight to the DFV booth to find weiting first. then they started playing Monopoly. haha.. so i went around collecting nice namecards =P i act like i'm recruiting designers.
saw a few familiar faces, glad that there this junior, Gerald who remembers me and my name!! woah! also saw zishen, perry, amanda, jonathan... and Mr Eric Tan, who also remembers my name! =) They all know me as Angel anyway.. very easy to remember. =) i only collected mostly IM pple's namecards because animators' namecards are not as impressive as their animation works. (trying to sound politically correct so as not to offend anyone) there's this Interactive Media (IM) girl's works and enthusiasm put me to shame. argh...what have i been doing?!!?
other than that, there's nothing in school to do.. i think it's the holidays for them.. i wanted to eat late lunch, my fav minced pork thick beehoon at the South Canteen Noodle Hut but it's closed. the place where Food Junction used to be is now Kou Fu. I noticed minor changes in the school, but overall, it's still the same feeling. felt as if i just graduated not long ago... in fact, i still feel like a NYP student. =)
Went straight to the DFV booth to find weiting first. then they started playing Monopoly. haha.. so i went around collecting nice namecards =P i act like i'm recruiting designers.
saw a few familiar faces, glad that there this junior, Gerald who remembers me and my name!! woah! also saw zishen, perry, amanda, jonathan... and Mr Eric Tan, who also remembers my name! =) They all know me as Angel anyway.. very easy to remember. =) i only collected mostly IM pple's namecards because animators' namecards are not as impressive as their animation works. (trying to sound politically correct so as not to offend anyone) there's this Interactive Media (IM) girl's works and enthusiasm put me to shame. argh...what have i been doing?!!?
other than that, there's nothing in school to do.. i think it's the holidays for them.. i wanted to eat late lunch, my fav minced pork thick beehoon at the South Canteen Noodle Hut but it's closed. the place where Food Junction used to be is now Kou Fu. I noticed minor changes in the school, but overall, it's still the same feeling. felt as if i just graduated not long ago... in fact, i still feel like a NYP student. =)
:: breaking news ::
Today's Daily Bread message (i got it from Facebook): Drop your nets and follow Jesus.
Congrats to myself on my new-found freedom. =)
Wahaha my mom booked me for a holiday in Bangkok before even confirming with me.
Things to do during my time of freedom:
- Paint my walls, buy new display cabinet, redesign my room
- go Bali with Faith and anyone else interested to go?
- go Tioman with Andrielle (not sure if she's asked anyone else)
- focus on learning driving
- learn cycling
- exercise!!!!!!
- revamp my blog and website
- visit the library
- visit my sis
- mission trip
i'm enjoying it =P
Congrats to myself on my new-found freedom. =)
Wahaha my mom booked me for a holiday in Bangkok before even confirming with me.
Things to do during my time of freedom:
- Paint my walls, buy new display cabinet, redesign my room
- go Bali with Faith and anyone else interested to go?
- go Tioman with Andrielle (not sure if she's asked anyone else)
- focus on learning driving
- learn cycling
- exercise!!!!!!
- revamp my blog and website
- visit the library
- visit my sis
- mission trip
i'm enjoying it =P
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
:: =) ::
on Tue (27 Feb) i went to Vivocity to shop for a GUESS wallet. WAhahaha so shiok. it's not for me though, it's for Bec, who put it number 1 on her birthday wishlist. =) this time there's only her, yun and me meeting up, cuz kwek and belly are overseas for Uni exchange. We first went to Aji by Hanabi (Jap restaurant), but after we were seated we realise the food's not really affordable. We ended up having dessert only. i had red wine apple with ice cream. yummy~ Keke.. Then we went to another Jap restaurant in the basement. Woaaaahhh i feel like eating everything. Ordered a bento that has sushi, fish, fruit, etc etc. =D after eating we just stayed to chat lor. haha bec asked the question "when are you getting married" since kwek was not around. haiyo~
Went to watch Jumper on Thurs. Wanted to catch Kung Fu Dunk on Wed, but suddenly dun feel like watching it in cinema. After movie Lin Feng and i went to Billy Bombers for dinner.. once again, after being seated i felt like we should have gone Pasta Mania instead. in the end ordered cheese fries, soup of the day, and waffle ice cream. Jialat must really control my spending man! My dad left me 7 missed calls while i was in the theatre, scared me to death when i checked my phone after that la! thought what happened. Swee yi also called. We've patched up. =)
My house smells good now... cuz on Sat i went to buy air fresheners with my parents. Haha bought a lot, one for my room, one for theirs, one for my dad's toilet.... shiok. think i got fettish for air fresheners. i keep buying every few months. i'm interested in Ambi Pur's Lavender Breeze, but the one i saw at Sheng Siong probably contains CFC :(
No drums for this week's service. Partly due to the runaway terrorist, Nat was called back to camp and the other 2 drummers weren't able to make it. I think we've just had a taste of what is to come.
After worship prac Judy called.. she wanted to eat steak at Hog's Breath Cafe... so i went to CHIJMES to meet her. I shld have boarded the earlier bus instead of waiting for the one she was on? Cuz she ended up missing the last order timing. We went Paulaner Brauhaus instead. oh i am getting fat, with a beer belly. that's gross.
Yay very happy, received 2 very important emails last night. One is regarding a Thai language class opening, and it's in March! Well, timing's tight, but doesn't seem to be clashing with anything. I was waiting for it since last year ...Oct? That time I got a reply that the new class would only start in Feb this year, but seems like it was delayed till March. Well, better than never.
I'm trying to get more people to join me. Please contact me if you are interested. Thanks!
The other email I was referring to, is from YWAM. They finally got back to me regarding their short-term mission trip programme, but it's during the year end, and seem to be for youth TEAMS. that doesn't seem to be in line with what i wanted, but see how la.
Caught up with a JI ex-classmate, Nicolas, just found him through Facebook. Hmm sensitive to use the term JI, but i was referring to Jurong Institute, which is no more. I really enjoyed my first three months there... Got to know people from all kinds of schools.. haha.. that guy very funny one.. he had a malay gf back then, who is also our classmate, and we were teasing them (in a curious way la). Brings me back those memories...
Went to watch Jumper on Thurs. Wanted to catch Kung Fu Dunk on Wed, but suddenly dun feel like watching it in cinema. After movie Lin Feng and i went to Billy Bombers for dinner.. once again, after being seated i felt like we should have gone Pasta Mania instead. in the end ordered cheese fries, soup of the day, and waffle ice cream. Jialat must really control my spending man! My dad left me 7 missed calls while i was in the theatre, scared me to death when i checked my phone after that la! thought what happened. Swee yi also called. We've patched up. =)
My house smells good now... cuz on Sat i went to buy air fresheners with my parents. Haha bought a lot, one for my room, one for theirs, one for my dad's toilet.... shiok. think i got fettish for air fresheners. i keep buying every few months. i'm interested in Ambi Pur's Lavender Breeze, but the one i saw at Sheng Siong probably contains CFC :(
No drums for this week's service. Partly due to the runaway terrorist, Nat was called back to camp and the other 2 drummers weren't able to make it. I think we've just had a taste of what is to come.
After worship prac Judy called.. she wanted to eat steak at Hog's Breath Cafe... so i went to CHIJMES to meet her. I shld have boarded the earlier bus instead of waiting for the one she was on? Cuz she ended up missing the last order timing. We went Paulaner Brauhaus instead. oh i am getting fat, with a beer belly. that's gross.
Yay very happy, received 2 very important emails last night. One is regarding a Thai language class opening, and it's in March! Well, timing's tight, but doesn't seem to be clashing with anything. I was waiting for it since last year ...Oct? That time I got a reply that the new class would only start in Feb this year, but seems like it was delayed till March. Well, better than never.
I'm trying to get more people to join me. Please contact me if you are interested. Thanks!
The other email I was referring to, is from YWAM. They finally got back to me regarding their short-term mission trip programme, but it's during the year end, and seem to be for youth TEAMS. that doesn't seem to be in line with what i wanted, but see how la.
Caught up with a JI ex-classmate, Nicolas, just found him through Facebook. Hmm sensitive to use the term JI, but i was referring to Jurong Institute, which is no more. I really enjoyed my first three months there... Got to know people from all kinds of schools.. haha.. that guy very funny one.. he had a malay gf back then, who is also our classmate, and we were teasing them (in a curious way la). Brings me back those memories...
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